Electric Water Heaters


Electric Water Heaters for Mobile Homes

All residential electric water heaters have a fused ceramic shield lining, a tough thick durable coating of ceramic fused to the tanks interior surface at 1600°F, forming a corrosion resistant lining for years of dependable protection and use

·         Dual Heating Elements

Screw-in direct immersion, 4500 watt 240 volt heating elements for maximum dfficiency

·         Non-CFC Foam Insulation

The tank is surrounded by a thick coat of non-CFC polyurethane foam to trap heat inside the tank, saving energy.

·         T&P Valve

Conveniently located on the side of the tank to facillate piping to drain or external to the building

·         ¾” Water Connections

Side Located

·         Anode Rod

Top-mounted, heavy duty anode for added tank protection, extending the life of the tank

·         Built-In Electric Junction Box

Top-Located, convenient junction box, ready for ½” or ¾” conduit

·         Thermostat High Limit Control

Combination control allows adjustment of water temperature while providing overheat protection

·         Code Approvals

Listed to UL 174, 1987 NAECA current requirements, HUD approved for mobile home installation, BOCA and ASHRAE 90.1-1999

40 Gallon Mobile Home electric Water Heater

·         Long lasting, copper heating element ensures hot water availability

·         Single 3500 Watt Element

·         2 inches of non CFC foam insulation is environmentally friendly and reduces standby heat loss

·         Glass lined tank and anode rod fight corrosion for long life

·         ¾” water connection size

·         Side feed water connection for easy installation

·         16.1 Gallons GPH recovery at 90 degrees F

·         Approved for use with Manufactured Homes



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